How Is AIGC Being Used In Advertising?

Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) is reshaping the world of marketing by allowing businesses to create high-quality, personalized content in a fraction of the time. 

From generating ads and social media posts to producing videos and visuals, AIGC is changing how marketers engage with their audiences. 

The key benefits of AIGC lie in its ability to streamline content creation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to scale their marketing efforts.

In this article, we’ll explore how AIGC can be used in marketing, the advantages it offers, and the ways it’s transforming advertising strategies.

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What is AIGC (AI Generated Content)?

AIGC, or Artificial Intelligence Generated Content, refers to content created by AI systems, including text, images, videos, and more. 

Using machine learning algorithms, AI can now produce high-quality, scalable content that mimics what humans create, but at a much faster pace. AIGC is used across various industries, helping businesses generate everything from blog posts and ads to video scripts and social media content.

How Can AIGC Impact & Improve Advertising?

AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) is revolutionizing advertising by making content creation faster, more efficient, and scalable. 

For advertisers, this means the ability to produce a high volume of content without the logistical challenges of traditional content production. AIGC allows brands to quickly generate everything from banner ads and social media posts to video content, all tailored to specific audiences. 

This efficiency helps marketers test different versions of ads, optimizing for better engagement and conversion rates. 

Moreover, with reduced costs and quicker turnaround times, businesses can execute more ad campaigns while staying within budget.

Arcad AI Avatar
Screenshot from an ad: AI Avatar from Aracds

The Rise of AI-Generated UGC

One of the most exciting advancements in AIGC is its ability to produce AI-generated User-Generated Content (UGC). Traditionally, UGC has been one of the most trusted and effective forms of marketing because it showcases real people using and endorsing products. 

However, creating UGC at scale requires working with multiple creators, which involves time-consuming communication, content approval, and often high costs.

With AI, UGC creation has become more streamlined. AI platforms like Arcads enable brands to generate UGC-style videos by using realistic AI avatars that mimic the look and feel of real customers. 

This approach eliminates the need for back-and-forth communication with creators, reduces costs, and allows brands to test multiple ad variations quickly. 

AI-focused UGC is gaining traction because it retains the authenticity of traditional UGC while offering a much more efficient process, helping brands to engage their audience at scale.

See Arcads AI UGC in Action 👇

Why AI UGC Is More Efficient Than Traditional UGC

AI-generated User-Generated Content (AI UGC) is transforming the way brands approach content creation, offering significant advantages over traditional UGC. 

By leveraging AI, marketers can produce UGC-style content more efficiently, saving time and resources while maintaining the authentic appeal of real customer experiences. 

Here are the three key reasons why AI UGC is more efficient than traditional UGC.

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Faster to Generate: No Logistics or Back-and-Forth Communication

One of the biggest time-saving benefits of AI UGC is the elimination of logistical challenges. 

With traditional UGC, brands need to coordinate with multiple creators, communicate expectations, provide feedback, and wait for revisions. This process can take days or even weeks.

In contrast, AI UGC platforms like Arcads enable marketers to generate content in a matter of minutes. By using pre-designed AI avatars and automated scripts, brands no longer need to rely on human creators to film and edit content. 

This faster generation process allows marketers to stay agile and keep up with the fast-paced demands of digital advertising.

Arcads AI Avatar Library
Select from Over 300+ AI Avatars on Arcads

Test More Ads, More Quickly

Another major advantage of AI UGC is the ability to rapidly test multiple ad variations. In traditional UGC, testing different versions of content can be a slow and expensive process due to the time required to create each version. 

Marketers often have to settle for limited testing due to these constraints.

With AI UGC, it’s easy to produce multiple versions of an ad with different avatars, scripts, or messaging in a fraction of the time. This flexibility allows brands to A/B test their ads more efficiently, helping them identify which version resonates most with their audience. 

The ability to iterate quickly leads to better-performing ads and more optimized campaigns.

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More Cost-Effective Than Traditional UGC

Cost is a major factor when it comes to traditional UGC. Hiring UGC creators often involves paying for their time, equipment, editing, and sometimes even travel. 

The cost of working with multiple creators for a single campaign can quickly add up, making it difficult for smaller businesses to compete.

AI UGC dramatically reduces these costs. Instead of paying multiple creators, brands only need to invest in the AI platform itself, which can generate as many videos as needed. 

This makes AI UGC not only more accessible but also more scalable, allowing businesses of all sizes to produce high-quality content without the overhead costs of traditional UGC campaigns.


AI-generated content is rapidly transforming how brands create and scale their advertising efforts. With AI UGC, marketers can generate authentic, relatable content faster, without the logistical headaches of coordinating with real creators. 

The ability to test multiple ad variations in a short time, combined with the reduced cost of production, makes AI UGC an incredibly efficient tool for modern marketing. 

As AI technology continues to evolve, those who embrace it will be able to keep up with the increasing demand for fresh, engaging content while staying ahead of the competition.

 By leveraging the power of AI UGC, brands can produce high-quality, high-impact ads that resonate with their audience, all while saving time and resources.

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